Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sister Trip to Palmyra New York - my birthday!

JJ's sweet husband, Agenor, offered to get standby tickets for all 5 of us to go out to see Elizabethe in New York over the week 0f my birthday this year. All 6 sisters got together for 5 days to relax, visit and tour Palmyra and Rochester.

She moved out there last year and we all missed her so much and we wanted to see her new (old) house.
I flew out by myself from Utah and caught every flight in my itinerary. They came together from California. Besides so LONG layovers and me being alone, it was not too bad. I did homework and read. When we got there we rented a car and Elizabethe came to pick up some of us. She took us home and showed us her lovely old house with all its neat features.
On my birthday (Saturday) we took a tour of the outer buildings and the beautiful yard. Then we went garage sailing together and I found a bunch f balloons at one of the sales that were birthday balloon so I had them take a picture. After that we went to Rochester to the Dino Grill that we had been told was the best restaurant in town. They all treated me! We had grilled catfish, ribs, other meats and the most delicious cornbread. The atmosphere was pretty cool! There was a bike race through downtown so we had to walk a long way to get there. We got to see a little of downtown Rochester. Then we went to the Susan B Anthony house and took a tour.

On Sunday we went to Elizabethe's ward. She taught Relief Society and introduced all of us. It was lots of fun to show off. We told people that we had two brother's too but they didn't come. After church we went to all the church history sites and took tours of the Joseph Smith farm and visiting center and walked through the sacred grove. It was very special to be there with all my sisters. We also went to the hill Cumorah and the visiting center there.
Monday Dori and Sarah needed to go home, but the lightening and thunder storms had delayed flights and made it so there was no standby room. They drove to Buffalo looking for flights but stilll none. They decided to drive up to Niagra Falls because they were so close. They went in on the Canada side. It ended up being a very good, fun day for them. Brenda and I went shopping in Rochester while Elizabethe worked a part day.
Tuesday we all got on the same flights despite the long and big standby rosters and made it home by very late Tuesday night.